This year was the 120th Show, & Plot Holders made up a significant number of the entries across all the classes, & we won many of the prizes and awards in the Flower, Veg, Fruit, Cookery and Floral Art & Craft Classes.
The effects of the hot, dry summer was very evident in the vegetable classes - only 3 entries in the Potato, Runner Bean Beetroot Classes. The Tomato Classes were hotly contested, especially amongst Plot Holders, and saw a significant increase in the number of entries.
Congratulations to all the winners, but especially to the Plot Holders who entered for the first time & won prizes & awards- Kath & David Clarke (8B), Derek Eccleston ( Peppercorn Plot), Marion Allerton's Grand-Daughter, River Coop ( 48A/49A) & teenager, Rhett Prenton-Jones ( 53A/B)