Tina Lamb - Plot 45A
We retired to Wellesbourne in 2006. It was our 13th home and it took me a while to realise that we had actually retired and that hopefully we wouldn't have to move again – we were here to put down roots. Getting an allotment has all been part of the getting rooted here.
I love growing things and especially growing things we can eat. I like my home but I'm not that keen on housework. I like the poem:
Dust if you must but wouldn't it be better
to paint a picture, or write a letter,
Bake a cake, or plant a seed:
Ponder the difference between want and need.
Tina on Plot 45A - © Rob Lavers
I love being on my allotment. I like having my hands in the earth. I like planting seeds and the wonder of seeing things grow. I even like weeding. Some afternoons my husband Christopher arrives with a thermos of tea and cake and we sit on our neighbour's bench and think we 're some of the luckiest people alive. I like it when I cycle home with my bucket full of stuff for supper.
We inherited a really interesting bijou shed - which might interest the English Heritage Garden Shed Society (if there is one). It was once a really smart sun house on a turntable. Come and see it.
Tina and her ‘Heritage’ Shed © Rob Lavers