It is with regret that we learn that Pete Smith has passed away. He was such an enthusiastic supporter of Wellesbourne Allotments and did a huge amount to raise our profile and importantly our funds in his role as Chair.
‘He will be sadly missed by all at the allotments.’ - Ian Hope. Chair of WAA
Pete was a very friendly, compassionate and sociable person whose interpersonal skills were much appreciated by the Association. Pete stepped forward to take over the reigns as Chairman from 2013 and 2016 and was a very effective leader. These attributes came to the fore particularly on Open Days where he used his wide circle of contacts in the village to great effect in obtaining sponsorship. He resigned as Chairman in 2016 due to ill health and with the help of his wife Lin bravely battled with asbestosis until this year
‘We miss his little biographies too, they showed how real allotment gardening is and what a wide variety of people get involved – thanks Pete’. - Ken Manning - Treasurer of WAA
Ken Manning ( left ) with former Chair and Plot Holder, Pete Smith ( right) - a lovely happy image, sunshine and smiles on a care-free Open Day - June 2012