Green Manure - is your plot looking bare after harvesting your summer crops ?

Sow Green Manure seed over the next month to benefit the soil. Green manures are the organic way to

  • improve the soil fertility, including adding valuable nitrogen

  • improve the soil structure, giving better drainage or water retention

  • suppress weeds

  • attract beneficial insects and other predators

The green shed shop has been restocked with over winter green manure seeds and is easy to use and a great soil improver.

Instructions for Rye/Vetch Over-Winter Mix (73%/27%):

Rake the soil surface and scatter the seeds on top from mid-September until mid/late October.

Dig into the soil from February until late April to slowly release the nutrients stored in the plant roots back into the soil for next year’s crops.

Use at the rate of 1Kg/50 square metres. We have plenty in stock and the cost is £1.50/Kg. Please contact the Treasurer if interested - you can pay either by cash or bank transfer.





2020NGS Open Day / Community Fun Day - see videos and report here

Both of these events were a great success with over £3,800 being raised at the Open Day and £234.10 at the Fun day. The majority of the money raised has been donated to good causes, while some has been retained by the Association for future needs.  



2021 committee changes


There are some important changes happening to the Committee and we welcome volunteers to join us. It is imperative that we have a full committee of 9 to ensure the future and smooth running of the site. The list of tasks is varied and shared amongst the committee as well as volunteers. If you are interested and want to learn more, please have a word with a committee member.  

Treasurer - After 22 years’ service, on the Committee and as Treasurer, Ken has decided that the 2022 AGM is the right time to retire and step down. The Committee cannot thank Ken enough for his monumental achievements across the site as well as the massive task of arranging 5 very successful Open Days over the years. Ken will be available to advise and support the new post holder for as long as they need. 

Lettings Officer - John Wilson has stepped down as Lettings Officer after two years and his comprehensive attitude to coordinating the letting of plots as well as taking on the full site plot inspections has had a very positive effect on the site – it has never looked so good. 

Section Rep Plots 17 - 31 Gary Moulton has stepped away due to work commitments. In his time with us he has helped develop our social media sites. Gary’s contribution to the Open Day with the Children’s activities truly helped, ensuring that the day had something for everyone. 

2021.06.19.Plot7BGaryMoulton©RobLavers LORES.jpeg

Section Rep Plots 47 - 61 - Mary Geisler has had to give up her plot for health reasons and therefore steps away from the Committee as well. We will miss Mary and her cheerful positivity, but, we hope we still see her when she comes to check on us ! 
