Due to the cancellation of the 2022 AGM in February there will be an Open Meeting of Plot Holders on Sunday 15th May
Outside by the Green Shed
This is not a formal AGM, but, the opportunity for you to meet the committee and to raise any questions or queries with us. Please email your questions to amo@hotmail.co.uk .
If you prefer to remain anonymous, please place your question into the suggestions box by the main notice board by Wednesday 11 May 2022
Committee Members
Chair Ian Hope
Secretary Anne-Marie Ortu
Treasurer Helen Almond
Lettings Malcolm Larby
Press & Comms Sharon Underhill
Section Reps
Plots 1-16 Helen Almond
Plots 17-31 Charlotte Loveluck-Bruce
Plots 32-46 Simon Oram
Plots 47-61 Malcolm Larby
Additional Members
Jo Harper
An agenda will be sent out before the day with approximate timings and detailing any questions raised.
Amended Accounts Summary
An updated summary of accounts has already been distributed by email 29/04/22. The committee are looking to have the accounts independently checked each year and would be interested to hear from any plot holder, who has accountancy experience, who would be willing to take this task on. Please email amo@hotmail.co.uk if you feel you can help.