2019 Wellesbourne Photographic Group will be visiting the Allotments from 7.30pm to 9.30pm to take photographs of the site and plot holders.
The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year, which falls on 21st June in the UK
In photography, the hour before sunset, is known as The Golden Hour, during which daylight is redder and softer than when the Sun is higher in the sky.
Rob Lavers, a member of the Wellesbourne Photo Group, is our Photographer in Residence and has taken some absolutely stunning photographs of our site and our events in the past.
Many of the photographs throughout this website have been taken by Rob.
If you’re working your Plot on this evening, please make Wellesbourne Photo Group welcome
This image of Charlecote Park was taken by group member, Simon Howes in Feb 2019