Plot 34 A & B - Wendy Necar
The experimenter
Wendy is one of our most experimental growers. coming to Plot 34A in 2015 after many years as a plot holder at Leamington Allotments.
Wendy has one the most amazing collections of flowers on the whole site - check out her ‘heavenly hum’ of 7ft tall holly hocks
Last year She expanded onto Plot 34B to create an exotic fruit orchard & veg section. It’s early days, but already she’s got a lot of varieties you would not expect to see growing on the UK
Response to climate change
Sweet potatoes
Galia Melon - Outdoor Wonder
Cantaloupe Melon - Emir
Water Melon - Mini Love
Wendy reckons ‘You’ve really not eaten a melon until you’ve eaten a home grown one’.
she also grows sweet potatoes as they are much better for you than a standard spud - ‘they’re the healthy-eating superstars of the root vegetable world, loaded with carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin A potassium, and fibre the leaves & tips of young shoots can even be cooked as a spinach substitute’.
Response to climate change
nectarine & peach trees
pomegranate bushes
‘The frost this year has turned my Pomegranates to dust - so a rethink might be needed for 2022 ! The Peaches & nectarines , although still young trees, but are coming along well & I might even get a crop next year, if I can work out how to stop the rain in May producing ‘Peach Curl.’
Nectarines & peaches actually taste quite similar, the difference is in the skin & texture - nectarine have a smooth skin & are a firm fruit compared to the flurry skin & more squidgy flesh of a peach.’