Plot 2a & 2e - Marie & bethany osborn

Mother & Daughter

Working their plots side by side, is Marie on 2a & her daughter, Bethany on 2e.

Bethany Decided to get a plot in 2019 to support her horticulture studies & she won our Best Newcomer award 2020.

You can read more about bethany here

You may recognise Bethany from the event posters & banners

response to climate change

  • Sugar Baby  - Water Melons  

  • Blenheim Orange - Honeydew Musk melon

This is the first year Marie has grown melons on 2a.

‘ there are many reasons why i like being part of a growing community like this - you can learn so much from your plot neighbours. I was inspired to have a go at melons this year afters seeing their success with them last year.’

As the name implies, Sugar Baby watermelons rank as one of the sweetest watermelon available

Like all melons, honeydews grow on very sprawling vines & are considered to be the sweetest of all the types of melons.  High in vitamin C and potassium and are eaten fresh for their succulent, sugary flesh.